When it comes to kitchen, countertop is one of the main elements that composes the environment. It’s widely used as a workplace in our routine, whether cleaning or preparing foods, or doing dishes. For this reason, it is getting more popular in the market. Planning a kitchen countertop can be a little bit challenging due to details and decisions that need to be done, because it is normally the first item that people look at in the place.

Everyday new options arise for countertops, in several different materials. However, granite countertops are still one of the most popular mainly due to its elegance and resistance. In this article, you will learn some advantages in choosing granite countertops.

The advantages of granite

Granite is considered a luxury good and timeless. It is a very durable material, resistant to heat, water, scratches, and stains. The maintenance is very simple: granite countertops can be cleaned with neutral detergent and water. Another strong feature is that granite has a smaller frequency of maintenance when compared to other natural stones or even to other materials for the same purpose. Emphasizing the cost-benefit as well.

Granite countertops - Advantages

Kitchen countertop – Penha Morais Architecture.

In addition, granite harmonizes with any kind of kitchen, from the classic ones to the more contemporary. It offers a variety of colors and designs, allowing you to choose a kitchen countertop by your taste and that also transmits your personality.

The PR Group Paraná offers, in Brazil and United States, granites and marbles from its own quarries. Check out the complete list of all colors of granites and marbles on our products webpage.



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