Marbles and granites are stones formed inside the earth through the cooling of the magma. Inside the earth, after the mantle, is located a deep layer of melted stone composed by reactions of radioactive elements, which ends up suffering a process of decomposition. The decaying material releases an intense heat wave that merges the stones around. The geological events, as the movement of plates or pressure, make the stones be pushed to the surface. When the rocks reach the surface occurs a cooling that originates igneous rocks, as granite and marble.

Granite cutting board of Imperial Coffee - Extraction

Granite cutting board of Imperial Coffee by PR Marble & Granite.

The extraction process of granite and marble starts in quarries. Quarries are natural reserves in rocky mountains, a place where the stones are in their natural aspect. For a successful extraction, a professional team and appropriate equipment are required, because it is a delicate activity and requires safety and preservation of the stones at the time of extraction.

To slice a stone in a smaller size, a variety of tools are used, between them: diamond wire machine, hidrobags, stone crusher, diamond drill, among others. The first piece of the stone is called stand or board, which has an approximate measure of 39″ 4.44′ x 19″ 8.22′ x 5″ 10.86′. After the removal of the stand, it will be analyzed by a trained professional that will delimit this stone in many areas for a new clipping, where it will be produced blocks (small cubes of stones with an approximate measure of 9” 10.1’ x 5” 10,8’ x 5” 10,8’). To move the blocks inside de quarries, from the place of extraction to the storage yard, big tractors as loader machines are used.

Storage yard with Imperial Coffee granite - PR Grupo Paraná

Storage yard with Imperial Coffee granite.

After this stage, the materials are stored in big trucks adapted for heavy loads and transported with destination to the industry where the blocks are transformed into sheets.

The sheets can be produced in the following finishes: polished (with brightness), levigate (without brightness) and plastered (without brightness). After the process of extraction and industrialization, the granite and marble will be ready to be market by stores that will execute projects of sinks, stairs, countertops, columns, fireplaces and as far as the creativity goes.

Kitchen with Imperial Coffee granite.

Kitchen with Imperial Coffee granite.

The PR Marble and Granite offers a variety of marbles, granites and other materials from own quarries. Check out all the options available for your project on our product’s page.



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